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Transactional Analysis (TA) is a model for understanding human personality, relationships and communication. It was first developed by the late Eric Berne, MD, in the late 1950s. Since then, TA has continued to grow and gained outstanding in the depth of its theory and the wide variety of its applications, among psychological approaches. 

TA is a talking therapy that promotes personal growth and change, helping individuals to reach their full potential in all aspects of life. Sessions are designed to explore an individual's personality and how this has been shaped by experience, particularly those stemming from childhood. 

Berne believed that everyone has the capacity to decide what they want for their lives, and the therapy helps clients to recognise their worth and value in order to go about achieving these goals. 


I love TA because it has great tools and models to apply in different applications and in a wide range of difficulties, it enhances personal growth and change. And on a personal note, it gives me the tools to understand my internal process, be aware of my own obstacles and how to overcome them.



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